The Movie Timeline - be obsessive, be very obsessive
Friday 13th February: Selina Kyle is arrested for breaking and entering. (Detroit, Michigan - The Dark Knight Rises)
Friday 13th February: Stan and Patrick erase Clem from Joel's mind as he sleeps. (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
Saturday 14th February: Joel Barish meets Clementine Kruczynski - again - after an unjustified feeling led him to Montauk. (Montauk - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
Saturday 14th February: Joel takes a train to Montauk instead of going to work, and meets Clem (again); Mary the receptionist quits her job at the clinic. (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
Sunday 15th February: Clem and Joel visit the frozen Charles River. (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
Monday 16th February: Mary the ex-receptionist sends out tapes to all former patients; Clem and Joel realise they erased each other. (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
Wednesday 18th February: "Facebook me" becomes a common expression around this time. (Cambridge, Massachusetts - The Social Network)
Friday 20th February: Eduardo discovers the cease and disist letter around this time. (Cambridge, Massachusetts - The Social Network)
March: Sparkle beats Pois. (New York City - 13 Going On 30)
March: Michael Oher begins playing football at Briarcrest Christian School in spring. (Memphis, Tennessee - The Blind Side)
March: Maya turns 26. (Highlands, New Jersey - Jersey Girl)
Wednesday 24th March: Dr.Lawrence Gordon writes a report about John Kramer's inoperable frontal-lobe tumor. (Saw III)
April: Sparkle beats Pois. (New York City - 13 Going On 30)
April: Two police officers are shot and killed on a drugs bust; Officer Roenick escapes with his life and a lot of guilt. (Detroit, Michigan - Assault on Precinct 13)
April: Paul Stallberg is placed in a Razor-Wire Maze in a basement because he slashed his wrists a month earlier. (Saw)
April: Jigsaw and Hoffman kidnap Paul Leahy and put him in a basement where he must pass through the razor-wire maze. (Saw V)
April: The issue of Hustler is published, later to be read by Mike Norton bored on Border Patrol. (Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada, the)
Saturday 3rd April: Kate Forster plays in the snow - her dog Jack is not happy. (The Lake House)
Tuesday 6th April: Dre Parker's height is measured. (Detroit, MI - The Karate Kid)
Tuesday 13th April: Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, and Eduardo Saverin form LLC, a partnership. (Cambridge, Massachusetts - The Social Network)
Wednesday 14th April: Cindy gets her driver's license. (Ohio - Extract)
Sunday 18th April: Bruce Banner is spotted on camera. (The Incredible Hulk)
Saturday 24th April: A date on a card. (Fantastic Mr. Fox)
May: Sparkle beats Pois. (New York City - 13 Going On 30)
May: Jenna Rink wakes up almost 30 years old. (13 Going On 30)
May: Pyramid Scheme meetings begin. (Newport Beach, California - All That I Need)
May: Michael Oher graduates from Briarcrest Christian School. (Memphis, Tennessee - The Blind Side)
May: Paul Stallberg's body is found by Detectives Allison Kerry, David Tapp, and Steven Sing. Because of the puzzle-piece-shaped cut on Paul's body, the media starts referring to the "serial killer" as "The Jigsaw Killer". (Saw)
May: Mark Rodriguez is burned in a room. His body is found by Kerry, Tapp, and Sing later. They find Dr Lawrence Gordon's penlight in the room. (Saw)
May: Amanda Young is unlocks the "Reverse Bear-Trap" by getting the key out of a man's stomach. (Saw)
May: Dr Lawrence Gordon is suspected of being "The Jigsaw Killer". He listens to Amanda Young's story of how she escaped her trap. (Saw)
May: Detectives David Tapp and Steven Sing find Jigsaw's lair and save an old man named Jeff. Tapp is slashed in the neck, Sing is killed by a trap, and Jigsaw escapes. (Saw)
May: David Tapp is discharged from the force. (Saw)
May: Amanda Young meets John Kramer at her home and becomes his apprentice. (Saw III)
May: Hoffman places Dr. Gordon's penlight at the scene of Mark Wilson's death. (Saw V)
Saturday 1st May: Unable to find Negative 25 for the final issue of Life magazine, Walter Mitty leaves New York to Greenland in search of Sean O'Connell. (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)
Sunday 2nd May: Walter Mitty bikes, runs, and longboards in search of Sean O'Connell. (Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)
Saturday 8th May: Walter Mitty rents two strong little men to hike with him. (Lower Himalayas, Afghanistan - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)
Wednesday 12th May: Walter Mitty offer's his mom's cake to warlords. (Lower Himalayas, Afghanistan - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)
Sunday 16th May: Walter Mitty finds Sean O'Connell and finds out that Sean had put Negative 25 in his wallet. (Himalayas, Afghanistan - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)
Friday 21st May: Matt Flamhaff helps Jenna Rink photograph Class of 2004 for Poise's new design. (New York City - 13 Going On 30)
Wednesday 26th May: Jenna Rink turns 30. (New York City - 13 Going On 30)
Thursday 27th May: The date Matt scheduled to have dinner with Jenna. Lucy finds out that Jenna helped boost Sparkle's sales and lies to Matt about her. (New York City - 13 Going On 30)
Friday 28th May: The day of Matt's wedding. Jenna wishes that she was 13 again, and it comes true. (New York City - 13 Going On 30)
Friday 28th May: The day of Matt's wedding. Jenna wishes that she was 13 again, and it comes true. (New York City - 13 Going On 30)
June: This month's issue Pois is about Jennifer Lopez's 10th secret while Sparkle's issue is about her 11th secret. (New York City - 13 Going On 30)
June: Kyle Connellan sets a swimming record at his high school. (Florida - Dolphin Tale)
June: Keller Dover drinks alcohol for the last time until nine and a half years later. (Conyer, Pennsylvania - Prisoners)
June: Sean Parker finds out that Zuckerberg lives across the street from him and helps him with Facebook. (Palo Alto, California - The Social Network)
Tuesday 1st June: A date marked on Costa's calendar. (Taking Lives)
Thursday 3rd June: A date marked on Costa's calendar. (Taking Lives)
Friday 4th June: A date on Costa's calendar. (Taking Lives)
Saturday 5th June: Ronald Reagan dies of pneumonia and Alzheimer's disease. (Los Angeles, California - The Reagans)
Sunday 6th June: A date marked on Costa's calendar. (Taking Lives)
Monday 7th June: A date marked on Costa's calendar. (Taking Lives)
Thursday 10th June: A date marked on Costa's calendar. (Taking Lives)
Saturday 12th June: A date marked on Costa's calendar. (Taking Lives)
Sunday 13th June: Manchester United fans go to Paris with Scott and Cooper, probably to see England vs France. during the UEFA Euro of 2004 in Portugal (Paris, France - Eurotrip)
Thursday 17th June: Costa's contract with someone is marked on this date. (Taking Lives)
Saturday 19th June: FBI profiler Illeana Scott is summoned by the Montreal police to investigate Martin Asher's killings. (Taking Lives)