The Movie Timeline - of all the movie timelines on all the net, you walked into this one

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Charlie Mackenzie meets, falls in love with, and marries Harriet Michaels - who may or may not have killed her previous three husbands. (San Francisco - So I Married an Axe Murderer)

Egyptologist Daniel Jackson manages to activate the Stargate; the Abydos people are freed when the alien Ra is killed by the Earth expedition. (Stargate)

Harley Pasternak begins some studies around this time. (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Sarah Connor is diagnosed with leukemia. (Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines)

Han Solo Berger gets a New Kids on the Block tattoo on his back. (That's My Boy)

Time Enforcement Commission formed to regulate time-travel; Max Walker's wife dies, or she doesn't & Senator McComb disappears, depending on the timeline. (Timecop)

Gillian Lewis dies. (To Gillian on her 37th Birthday)

Helen Tasker discovers her husband is a secret agent, and eventually joins him. (True Lies)

Evey plays Viola in Twelfth Night. (V for Vendetta)

George W Bush becomes Governor of Texas. (W.)

Bengal tiger named Spar is born. (We Bought a Zoo)

An evil spirit from within the Nightmare on Elm St stories is set free. (Wes Craven's New Nightmare)

Monty Kessler and friends graduate from Harvard "with honors". (Cambridge, MA - With Honors)

Sanger, Gilbert and Maxam sequence DNA for the first time. (X-Men: Days of Future Past)

Genetically engineered food products enter the US market. (X-Men: Days of Future Past)

The Zapatista resistance, aided by mutant freedom fighters, engages in armed conflict against the Mexican government in Southern Mexico. (Southern Mexico - X-Men: Days of Future Past)

January: The Miami Dolphins host the Philadelphia Eagles in the Super Bowl - thanks to Ace Ventura, MVP QB Dan Marino & team mascot Snowflake arrive at halftime after a failed kidnapping attempt by former kicker, Ray Finkle. (Miami, Fl - Ace Ventura: Pet Detective)

January: Silent Bob breaks up with Amy due to his lack of ability to deal with her sexual past. (Chasing Amy)

Friday 7th January: Brian Madison announces that he's retiring and letting Eric Gordon take over the family hotel business. Brian's son Billy decides to go back to school to prove himself worthy of taking over the hotel chain. (Billy Madison)

Monday 10th January: Billy Madison begins 1st grade in Miss Lippy's class at Polly Fector Elementary School. (Billy Madison)

Monday 17th January: Roger Podactor writes a love letter to Lois Einhorn. (Ace Ventura: Pet Detective)

Monday 17th January: '94 Northridge quake. (Northridge, California - Valentine's Day)

Friday 21st January: Billy passes 1st grade. (Billy Madison)

Monday 24th January: Billy begins 2nd grade. (Billy Madison)

February: A blue collar worker is asked to reshingle the house of gangster Dominick "Baby Face" Bambino; he declines the job based on personal politics and asks a friend to do the job for him. The friend is killed when the Foresci family puts a hit out on "Baby Face." (Clerks)

February: Will Hunting commits grand theft auto. (Boston, MA - Good Will Hunting)

Friday 4th February: Billy wins in a spelling bee and passes 2nd grade. (Billy Madison)

Saturday 5th February: Byron de la Beckwith is convicted of the assassination of civil rights leader Medger Evers 31 years earlier, ending the lengthiest murder case in American history. (Ghosts of Mississippi)

Monday 7th February: Billy starts 3rd grade with Veronica Vaughn as his teacher. (Billy Madison)

Friday 11th February: Ms. Vaughn makes Billy write cursive on the board. (Billy Madison)

Monday 14th February: Principal Anderson subs for Ms. Vaughn. (Billy Madison)

Monday 14th February: Chris Brander sends fellow high school junior Jamie Palamino a dozen red roses. (New Jersey - Just Friends)

Thursday 17th February: Ms. Vaughn's 3rd grade class goes on a field trip to an Amish village. (Billy Madison)

Friday 18th February: Billy finishes 3rd grade. (Billy Madison)

Monday 21st February: Billy begins 4th grade. (Billy Madison)

March: Mathematician John Nash is informed that he is to be awarded the Noble Prize for his research in governing dynamics. (Princeton University - A Beautiful Mind)

March: Rocco Dillon plans a terrorist attack by smuggling a bomb into the Oscars - a retired Frank Drebin averts the disaster. (Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult)

Friday 4th March: Billy passes 4th grade. (Billy Madison)

Monday 7th March: Billy begins 5th grade. (Billy Madison)

Friday 18th March: Billy passes 5th grade. (Billy Madison)

Monday 21st March: Billy begins 6th grade. (Billy Madison)

Tuesday 22nd March: Lloyd Christmas drives Mary to the airport. He mistakenly believes she has forgotten her briefcase. (Rhode Island, Providence - Dumb and Dumber)

April: Olive Penderghast is born. (Ojai, California - Easy A)

April: Mad John kills his wife in a supermarket. (North London - Gangster No 1)

April: Willam Black becomes obsessed with seeing a hidden magic eye picture; Brodie Bruce farts while Rene Mosier is going down on him; Brodie cites this as a possible reason for their break up a week later. (Mallrats)

April: Julie takes care of an injured hawk on the roof of her high school. (Boston, MA - The Next Karate Kid)

Friday 1st April: Billy passes 6th grade. (Billy Madison)

Monday 4th April: Billy begins 7th grade. (Billy Madison)

Thursday 7th April: Kara is born. (East Great Falls, Michigan - American Reunion)

Wednesday 13th April: Randal Graves calls the cops on Jay and Silent Bob while they are standing in front of RST video; Shannon Hamilton screws Tricia Jones in a very uncomfortable place. (Mallrats)

Thursday 14th April: Alyssa Jones and some friends hold a vigil outside the YMCA for Julie Dwyer. (Chasing Amy)

Thursday 14th April: Caitlin Bree's mother tells her that she has placed a wedding announcement for Caitlin and Sang in the paper. (Clerks)

Thursday 14th April: Brodie Bruce and T.S. Quint hang out at the mall, and are dumped then reunited with Rene Mosier and Brandi Svenning; Brodie is picked up to host The Tonight Show and Willam tries and fails to see a sailboat in a magic eye picture (Mallrats)

Friday 15th April: Billy passes 7th grade. (Billy Madison)

Friday 15th April: Dante Hicks is called into work at Quick Stop Convenience on his day off. His friend Randal Graves shows up late to work at the neighboring RST video, and the two have several misadventures that include a hockey match on the roof and attending Julie Dwyer's wake. (Clerks)

Saturday 16th April: Julie Dywer is buried. Dante Hicks calls in sick that morning, and goes to visit Caitlin at Riverview hospital. (Clerks)

Monday 18th April: Billy begins 8th grade. (Billy Madison)

Monday 18th April: John Edward Gammell's car registration expires. (San Francisco, California - Memento)

Friday 22nd April: Richard M Nixon dies. (New York - Nixon)

Wednesday 27th April: Nelson Mandela is elected president. (South Africa - Invictus)

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