The Movie Timeline - it's like a timeline, but of movies
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty - timeline
United States Customs and Border Protection is founded.
Sheryl Melhoff is born. (Tampa, Florida)
Monday 24th November: Life magazine headline: "NOVA SCOTIA FISHERMEN AT SEA OFF THE GRAND BANKS." (New York City, New York)
Monday 1st December: Life magazine cover features an audience watching a 3D movie. (New York City, New York)
Monday 16th March: Marilyn Monroe appears on the cover of Life magazine. (New York City, New York)
Monday 29th June: A stretch of Route 66 in Arizona is featured on the cover of Life magazine. (New York City, New York)
Monday 18th October: Life magazine headline: "POLITICS IN BLACK AND WHITE: SID AND IMOGENE GO IT ALONE." Senator John F. Kennedy is featured on the cover. (New York City, New York)
Cheryl Melhoff is born. (New York City, New York)
Monday 23rd June: Life magazine headline: "AT HOME WITH JANE MANSFIELD." (New York City, New York)
Monday 14th July: A drive-in screening The Ten Commandments (1956) is featured on the cover of Life magazine. (New York City, New York)
Friday 2nd February: Walter Mitty is born. (New York City, New York)
Friday 20th September: Life magazine headline: "THE HIMALAYAS: Scaling Their Mighty Peaks." (New York City, New York)
Friday 28th August: Life magazine headline: "THE BEATLES: They're here again and what a ruckus!" (New York City, New York)
Tuesday 25th May: Life magazine headline: "CASSIUS CLAY Taunting the Defeated Sonny Liston in the First Round." (New York City, New York)
Wednesday 3rd April: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is featured on the cover of Life magazine. (New York City, New York)
Friday 4th October: The new issue of Life magazine has the following headline: "Man moves into a rich new realm: Sea Probe." (New York City, New York)
Walter Mitty's father dies on a Tuesday. He gets a haircut and a job on Thursday. (New York City, New York)
Friday 25th July: Life magazine headline: "LEAVING FOR THE MOON." (New York City, New York)
Friday 3rd September: Life magazine headline: "AMERICAN OUTDOORS: THE ENDLESS WEEKEND." Bike riders are on the cover. (New York City, New York)
Friday 18th August: Life magazine headline: "SURGE TO OLYMPICS." (New York City, New York)
Nadine Melhoff is born. (Ocean City, Maryland)
Walter Mitty becomes a negative asset manager at Life magazine. (New York City, New York)
Saturday 1st May: Unable to find Negative 25 for the final issue of Life magazine, Walter Mitty leaves New York to Greenland in search of Sean O'Connell.
Sunday 2nd May: Walter Mitty bikes, runs, and longboards in search of Sean O'Connell. (Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland)
Saturday 8th May: Walter Mitty rents two strong little men to hike with him. (Lower Himalayas, Afghanistan)
Wednesday 12th May: Walter Mitty offer's his mom's cake to warlords. (Lower Himalayas, Afghanistan)
Sunday 16th May: Walter Mitty finds Sean O'Connell and finds out that Sean had put Negative 25 in his wallet. (Himalayas, Afghanistan)
Sunday 2nd May: Sean O'Connell photographs Eyjafjallajokull erupting. (Iceland)