The Movie Timeline - here's looking at movies, kid

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Cameron James arranges for Patrick Verona to date Kat Stratford, so he can date Kat's younger sister Bianca. (10 Things I Hate About You)

Dwayne's father, the Major, wins $10 million dollars in a lottery. (30 Minutes or Less)

Trish Piedmont has an unplanned pregnancy. (Los Angeles, CA - The 40 Year Old Virgin)

Summer is in her high school yearbook (500 Days of Summer)

David Norris makes a cover story for GQ called "Youngest Congressman Ever." (New York City - The Adjustment Bureau)

Elyse Houston starts maturing after fourth grade. (East Great Falls, Michigan - American Pie: Band Camp)

Texas-sized asteroid blown up by an expert oil-driller, saving the Earth and the human race. (Armageddon)

Ash Williams starts working at S-Mart. (Michigan - Army of Darkness)

Grand Central Terminal is renovated. (New York City - Arthur)

Marty McFly Jr born. (Back to the Future Part III)

In the car on the way to his wedding, Jesse thinks he sees Celine walking into a deli on the corner of 13th and Broadway; he does. (New York - Before Sunset)

Nick and Lissa screw over Nick's friend Bryce in order to raise $10,000 sharpish. (Best Laid Plans)

Leigh Anne Tuohy's father dies. (Memphis, Tennessee - The Blind Side)

Bride of Chucky. (Bride of Chucky)

Senator Jay Billington Bulworth has a breakdown during his re-election campaign and starts telling the truth in rap and verse; he's voted back in. (Bulworth)

Chem department is responsible for a glitch. (The Cabin in the Woods)

Child's Play 3. (Child's Play 3)

God appears at a church, after The Last Apostle stops two angels from finding a loophole in God's law. (New Jersey - Dogma)

Ray Pluto's wife and daughter die in a hit-and-run. (New York City, New York - Double Whammy)

Godzilla goes on the rampage. (New York - Godzilla)

Criminal Raymond Calitri emigrated to the US from England. (Gone in 60 Seconds)

A girl who is one day filmed by Samuel M. Barrett is born. (New Orleans, Louisiana - Hatchet II)

Gigi Phillips stalks Chad, a drummer living in a storage space. He uses her to get rides. (Baltimore, Maryland - He's Just Not That Into You)

The Human Stain. (The Human Stain)

Jackie Brown is again arrested for smuggling, she sets up the man she smuggles for to take the fall and walk away with a half million dollars. (Los Angeles, CA - Jackie Brown)

Max Anderson, brother of Trevor Anderson, places four geo-sensors in various locations around the world, including Iceland to moniter for seismic activty. During this time, certain conditions trigger the sensors and they go off. Max goes to Iceland to check on the one there and discovers an entrance to the center of the earth, where he dies trying to get out (Iceland, around the world - Journey to the Center of the Earth)

Jack Byrnes' clearances are no longer active. (Little Fockers)

Promotion of National Responsibility Act, No 43. (The Manchurian Candidate)

Neo fights agents controlling the Matrix - or does he? Probably not. (The Matrix)

Jack, Wayne, and Buck have a lot of money by this time. (Los Angeles, California - Middle Men)

AVERAGE EXECUTIVE SALARY 1998 $2,300,000-$3,350,000 (The Other Guys)

Frank David Castle is born. (Punisher: War Zone)

Peter Block is born. (Repo! The Genetic Opera)

Ronnie Shields is born. Danny Donahue and Anson Wheeler start advertising Minotaur. (Los Angeles, CA - Role Models)

Lola (last name unknown) visits a casino and wins 100,000DM in 10 minutes. (Berlin, Germany - Run Lola Run)

Nick Easter makes a list of potential jurors. (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Runaway Jury)

Nick makes a list of potential jurors. (Brooklyn, New York - Runaway Jury)

Shakespeare In Love released in cinemas, and an audience kills someone who talks too loud during it. (Scary Movie)

Stab 2 is released. (Scream 3)

Stephen Glass is exposed as a fraud who fabricated half of his articles at the New Republic. (Shattered Glass)

Dennis starts working at Shenaniganz. (Still Waiting...)

Greg pisses his pants. (Superbad)

Ted hires private investigator Pat Healy to find Mary, who moved to Florida and changed her name. (Rhode Island - There's Something About Mary)

Tugg Speedman is third runner-up Sexiest Man Alive. (Tropic Thunder)

Jeff Portnoy does a low-budget titty comedy called Sex Camp. (Tropic Thunder)

Truman Burbank discovers his life is a TV show, and escapes. (The Truman Show)

The Power Rangers defeat Maligore from destroying the universe and start their rivilary with Divatox by gaining their Turbo powers. (Angel Grove - Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie)

West Caanan High School football team wins the district championship. (West Caanan, Texas - Varsity Blues)

Virtuosity. (Virtuosity)

The first year on Thin Film's 10-year projection graph. (Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps)

Duncan is born. (Albany, New York - The Way Way Back)

Lily Miska is born. (Los Angeles, California - We Bought a Zoo)

The Mees go on a vacation. (We Bought a Zoo)

Dylan Mee's first birthday. (We Bought a Zoo)

Steven Price gets a firm. (UK - The World's End)

Zack Brown and Miri Linky graduate from high school. (Zack & Miri Make a Porno)

January: Ben Selleck's son Peter is born. (Temecula, California - The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard)

January: Bobby arrives at the Bourbon Bowl and his team wins. (Louisiana - The Waterboy)

Thursday 1st January: People show up at the hospital to show support for Bobby. His mother reveals to him that she was faking her illness and that his father left her. (Louisiana - The Waterboy)

February: Child's Play 3 takes place. (Brownsville, Missouri - Child's Play 3)

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