The Movie Timeline - here's looking at movies, kid

Movie events on the 18th February


Noah sends out another dove, which returns with an olive leaf, showing that the waters have subsided. (The Bible)


Lewis Armistead is born. (New Bern, North Carolina) (Gettysburg)


Director Leo Harrigan and film star Buck Greenway attend the premiere of D.W. Griffith's "The Clansman" [a.k.a. "The Birth of a Nation"]. (Los Angeles, California) (Nickelodeon)


Terrence C. Parker, missing since April 1933, was discovered flying in the Chinese Air Service. (Shanghai, China) (Living on Velvet)


Ernesto and Alberto are 2772km into their motorcycle journey. (Temugo, Chile) (The Motorcycle Diaries)


Llewyn Davis signs his name to a contract dated February 18th, 1961 to receive his $200 fee for guitar work and backing vocals on the single Please, Mr. Kennedy. (New York City recording studio) (Inside Llewyn Davis)


Private healthcare is introduced to the US by President Richard Nixon. (Sicko)


Westlake enters a store wearing a Robert G. Durant mask and points a gun at a clerk while looking into the security camera and saying Durant's name. (Darkman)


Billy finishes 3rd grade. (Billy Madison)


"Facebook me" becomes a common expression around this time. (Cambridge, Massachusetts) (The Social Network)


Lisbeth Salander is sexually assaulted in the office of her new guardian, Nils E. Bjurman. (Stockholm, Sweden) (The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest)

Daily Sentinel Submission "DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE STALLS SCHOOL INVESTIGATION" is written by Jeffrey Johnson and later rejected. (Los Angeles, California) (The Green Hornet)


Sylvia Ganush curses Christine Brown after she refuses to help her keep her home. Ganush later dies of heart failure. (Los Angeles, California) (Drag Me To Hell)

Complete list of movie dates.

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