The Movie Timeline - be obsessive, be very obsessive

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June: Will Hunting commits assault. (Boston, MA - Good Will Hunting)

Saturday 12th June: Lisbeth Salander pours gasoline on her father and sets him on fire for seriously abusing her mother. (Stockholm, Sweden - The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest)

Tuesday 15th June: John Connally dies. (Houston, Texas - The Commission)

Wednesday 23rd June: Daniel Pratt graduates from Riverside Community College. (Waiting...)

August: Tom Myers and his friends throw a beach party. (American Pie 2)

August: Veronica Loughran and Dante Hicks start to date seriously. (Clerks)

August: The muse Serendipity, tired of doing all the inspiration and not getting credit for it, opts to quit being a muse and write for herself. (Dogma)

August: Bernard & Lydia's wedding at St Mary of the Fields, where Charles elopes with Carrie. (Cripplegate, London - Four Weddings and a Funeral)

Friday 13th August: The events of Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood take place. (Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood)

Thursday 26th August: Roy Raymond commits suicide by jumping off of the Golden Gate Bridge. (San Francisco, California - The Social Network)

September: Veronica Loughran transfers from Seton Hall to Monmouth State to be closer to Dante Hicks (Clerks)

September: Charles receives Carrie's wedding invite, hears her list of sexual partners, and declares his love on the South Bank. (London - Four Weddings and a Funeral)

September: Will Hunting commits assault. (Boston, MA - Good Will Hunting)

September: Rebecca Warner arrives from South Dakota to start college at a major southern California university. (Los Angeles, Ca - Son in Law)

Monday 13th September: Captain Steele makes a transfer request for Private Todd Blackburn. (Mogadishu, Somalia - Black Hawk Down)

October: Kevin Gerrity meets a woman at Hooters. (Toronto - Big Daddy)

October: Hamish & Carrie's wedding, where Gareth suffers a heart attack. (Glenchrist Castle, Perthshire - Four Weddings and a Funeral)

Sunday 3rd October: Two Black Hawk helicopters are shot down when US Army Rangers attempt to capture a Somali warlord. (Mogadishu, Somalia - Black Hawk Down)

Sunday 3rd October: On this date nearly 100 U.S. Army Rangers, commanded by Capt. Mike Steele, were dropped by helicopter deep into the capital city of Mogadishu to capture two top lieutenants of a Somali warlord. (Somalia, Mogadishu - Black Hawk Down)

Friday 22nd October: Teena Brandon born. (Lincoln, Nebraska - Boys Don't Cry)

Friday 22nd October: Teena Brandon arrested for grand theft auto. (Lincoln, Nebraska - Boys Don't Cry)

Sunday 31st October: Dylan goes as Kris Kross for Halloween. (Los Angeles, California - Friends with Benefits)

Sunday 31st October: Three witches are brought back from the dead for 24 hours after a virgin lights a candle. (Salem, Massachusetts - Hocus Pocus)

Sunday 31st October: Rebecca Warner decides to leave school & return home to South Dakota. Her resident advisor, "Crawl", talks her out of it. (Los Angeles, Ca - Son in Law)

Wednesday 10th November: Dr. Ellie Arroway pleads with a board associated with billionaire S. R. Hadden to fund her research into extraterrestrial life. (Contact)

Saturday 20th November: Rebecca Warner, with Crawl in tow, returns home for Thanksgiving. Her boyfriend, Travis, proposes, so Becca & Crawl pretend to be engaged for the rest of their visit. (South Dakota - Son in Law)

Wednesday 24th November: Crawl attends a bachelor party, organized for him by Becca's ex, Travis & the Warners' farmhand, Theo. He passes out during Tracy's striptease. (South Dakota - Son in Law)

Thursday 25th November: Thanksgiving Day: Rebecca discovers Crawl & Tracy asleep in the barn together. They later discover that Travis & Theo drugged them both & left them there. Happy endings abound! (South Dakota - Son in Law)

Sunday 12th December: Brandon Teena celebrates his 21st birthday. (Falls City, Nebraska - Boys Don't Cry)

Thursday 16th December: Martin Casillas, the fifth child victim of ritual killings, born. (USA - Bless the Child)

Thursday 16th December: Cody O'Connor born to a drug-addict mother, Jenna O'Connor. (USA - Bless the Child)

Wednesday 22nd December: Julie asks her mom when her dad will be back. (New York, New York - Look Who's Talking Now)

Friday 24th December: The dogs unite the family on Christmas Eve. (New York, New York - Look Who's Talking Now)

Saturday 25th December: Jenna O'Connor drops off the 9-day-old Cody at Maggie's house. Maggie is Jenna's older sister. (USA - Bless the Child)

Friday 31st December: Brandon Teena is murdered by John Lotter. (Falls City, Nebraska - Boys Don't Cry)


Katie Enslin, daughter of paranormal author Michael Enslin, is born. (1408)

Molly is born. (21 Jump Street)

Molly is born. (21 Jump Street)

Harry Osborn is born. (New York City, New York - The Amazing Spider-Man 2)

Steve Stifler ruins Jim Levenstein's Bar Mitzvah. (East Great Falls, Michigan - American Reunion)

Gloria and Jerry start thinking about moving to Antwerp. (Away We Go)

Leigh Crosny leaves Delta Alpha Kappa. (Black Christmas)

J.F. Sebastian is born. (Los Angeles, California - Blade Runner)

Apartheid ends. (South Africa - Blood Diamond)

Helen Zaas sees her boyfriend, Seamus O'Grady, kill someone. She testifies against him and is inducted into the Witness Protection Program. (Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle)

Deputy Director of Intelligence, Adm. James Greer dies of pancreatic cancer; CIA Agent Jack Ryan appointed as his interim replacement. (Washington, DC - Clear And Present Danger)

Anne Beamer arrives from England. (New York City, New York - Double Whammy)

Forrest Gump waits for his son at a bus stop. (Forrest Gump)

Craig Gilner is born. (New York City - It's Kind of a Funny Story)

Dr Susan Tyler creates the Judas Breed of cockroaches, to wipe out the diseased roaches. (New York - Mimic)

Coach Jasper Woodcock makes John Farley miserable in gym class. (Nebraska - Mr. Woodcock)

Former 'Pop' member Colin Thompson wins Sexiest Man Alive title; former 'Pop' member Alex Fletcher wins Best Performer at the Nebraska Tractor & Trailer Show. (Music and Lyrics)

Toulah Portokalos meets and falls in love with Ian Miller. Her family eventually agrees to let them marry, despite the fact that Ian is not Greek. (Chicago, IL - My Big Fat Greek Wedding)

Kathy H reunites with Ruth and Tommy D, and take a trip to a boat on a beach. Ruth and Tommy D 'complete' their donations. (Never Let Me Go)

Milton Waddams is laid off but nobody tells him. He still gets paid due to a glitch. Michael Bolton starts working at Initech. (Office Space)

Faith gets a call from her fiancee's friend, apologising that he can't make the wedding - his name is Damon Bradley, apparently her soulmate. (Only You)

Mitch Downe is born. (Blithe Hollows - ParaNorman)

Curtis's dad leaves. (Cleveland, Ohio - The Rocker)

Halomethane R-12 ceases to be produced. (Saw VI)

Sydney Prescott and Billy Loomis start off hot and heavy. (Woodsboro, CA - Scream)

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