The Movie Timeline - of all the movie timelines on all the net, you walked into this one

Movie events on the 22nd April


The Little Colonel, Ben Cameron, learns of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, bemoaning: "We have lost our friend. What is to become of us now?" (Piedmont, South Carolina) (The Birth of a Nation)


President William McKinley enlists Navy Lt. Richard L. Perry to secretly infiltrate a gang of bank robbers in order to discover the identity of their ringleader who resides somewhere high in the ranks of the federal government. (Washington D.C.) (This is My Affair)


Dr. Scott Mason Carter, a negro [sic] passing as white, moves to Keenham, New Hampshire to take over the practice of the late and beloved Dr. William Brackett. Dr. Carter's ethnicity is successfully kept hidden for 18 years. (Keenham, NH) (Lost Boundaries)


Angus MacMorrow finds an egg which would later hatch into a water horse. (Scotland, UK) (The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep)


Mike Elihank returns the book. (East Great Falls, Michigan) (American Pie Presents: The Book of Love)


Richard M Nixon dies. (New York) (Nixon)


A student returns the book. (East Great Falls, Michigan) (American Pie Presents: The Book of Love)


Fallout ends. (Texas) (The Big Year)


David Dutton and his pregnant wife Judy try to survive with Deputy Russell Clank and Becca Darling after containment protocol has been initiated. (Ogden Marsh, Iowa) (The Crazies)


Earth Day (Easy A)

Complete list of movie dates.

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