The Movie Timeline - it's like a timeline, but of movies

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26th April: Anita Loos is born. (Mt. Shasta, California - The Audrey Hepburn Story)

1st May: John Phillip Sousa's band debuts on Opening Day at the World's Fair in Chicago. (Chicago, Illinois - Stars and Stripes Forever)

8th May: Francis Ouimet is born. (Brookline, Massachusetts - The Greatest Game Ever Played)

7th June: Gandhi's first act of civil disobedience. (Pietermaritzburg, South Africa - Gandhi)

26th November: British sailors start from Havre to Lyons. (Le Havre, France - Dracula: Dead and Loving It)

27th November: Victoria Regina Phibes born (The Abominable Dr. Phibes)

30th November: London Enterprise newspaper mistakenly says Wednesday and has the headline: "CORPSE OF CAPTAIN FOUND ON EMPTY VESSEL. Sole Survivor A Raving Maniac." (London, England - Dracula: Dead and Loving It)


Alec Henderson is born. (Mrs. Henderson Presents)

Jeremy Alex is born. (Offspring)

Zeke Kern dies. (Bodega Bay, California - Puppet Master II)

This is to dispute that Rose was born in 1895. It's said by the creator (James Cameron) that she's 17 years old in the film, HOWEVER, Titanic sank in the early half of the year. She could have been preparing for her wedding after her 18th birthday, which had ample time to occur in 1912, making her birth year 1894. (Titanic)

26th April: Rudolf Hess is born. (Alexandria, Egypt - Wild Geese II)

11th May: After having received a letter with a death threat, a frightened Lloyd Brandon is murdered in the streets of London by Gabriel Mateo, a gaucho flute player out to avenge the murder of his father. From his hiding place in the foliage, Mateo hurls a Chilean bolas, which first strangles young Brandon then smashes his skull. Brandon's body is discovered by his solicitor, Jerrold Hunter, who is detained and questioned by Scotland Yard Inspector Bristol until Sherlock Holmes convinces Bristol to release him. (London, England - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes)

13th May: Evil mastermind, Professor Moriarty, shaves off his beard in order to disguise himself. Moriarty fools Dr. Watson and Sir Ronald Ramsgate by impersonating a policeman and gains entry to the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London. His plan to steal the jewels is foiled at the last moment by his archnemesis Sherlock Holmes. (London, England - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes)

27th May: Dashiell Hammett is born. (St. Mary's County, Maryland - Julia)

13th October: Charles "Swede" Risberg is born. (San Francisco, California - Eight Men Out)


The Christian Reform Act outlaws any religion in America not based on Christianity. (C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America)

Some people carry on. (The Khyber Pass - Carry On Up the Khyber)

Charles Foster Kane begins his newspaper career. (Citizen Kane)

Dracula returns from the dead but later sinks in ice after facing Father Sanders. (Dracula Prince of Darkness)

Eleanor Rigby is born. (In His Life: The John Lennon Story)

Archaeologists John Banning, his father Stephen and his uncle Joseph Whemple search for the tomb of Princess Ananka, the high priestess of the god Karnak. John has a broken leg and cannot accompany his father and uncle when they open the tomb. Mehemet Bey warns them not to go in, lest they face the fatal curse against desecraters. Stephen and Joseph ignore him, and discover within the sarcophagus of Ananka. After Joseph leaves to tell John the good news, Stephen finds the Scroll of Life and reads from it. He then screamsand is found in a catatonic state. (Egypt - The Mummy)

Louis Lumiere develops and markets a commercially-successful motion picture camera, inventing 'The Movies'. (France - Ragtime)

Rose Dewitt Bukater is born. (Titanic)

1st January: J. Edgar Hoover is born. (Washington, DC - Hoover)

6th February: George Herman "Babe" Ruth is born. (Baltimore, Maryland - The Babe)

6th April: Oscar Wilde is arrested after losing a libel case against the Marquess of Queensberry. (Oscar Wilde)

19th August: John Wesley Hardin is murdered by an off-duty policeman in a saloon. (El Paso, Texas - The Lawless Breed)

7th September: Captain Witwicky finds something mysterious underneath a lot of ice. Designated 'Project Iceman', the artifact is the Allspark. (Transformers)

27th November: The date on a document in Dr. Moreau's office. (The Island of Dr. Moreau)

19th December: Metropolitan Press headline: "KILLER BUTCHER INVESTIGATION HELD UP AT CITY HALL." (The Midnight Meat Train)

28th December: L'arriv (Paris, France - 1895)


St Michael's Church is constructed. (New Jersey - Dogma)

John Kinsella born. (North Dakota - Field of Dreams)

11th April: Metropolitan Press headline: "BUTCHER LINKED TO MISSING PERSONS." (The Midnight Meat Train)

26th May: Nicholas II, the last czar, is crowned ruler of Russia. (Moscow - Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna)

5th July: Bill Doolin escapes from jail. (Oklahoma - The Cimarron Kid)

25th August: Bill Doolin is killed by a posse. (Lawson, Oklahoma - The Cimarron Kid)


Bram Stoker wrote the novel 'Dracula' which, according to Hannibal King, chronicles some of Dracula's adventures. (Blade: Trinity)

Demeter arrives with a silver coffin containing Dracula. (England - Dracula 2000)

Gracie Mansion is purchased by the city of New York. (New York City, New York - Ghostbusters 2)

Carmella (later to become Corleone) born. (The Godfather: Part II)

Serge X is born. (The Grand Budapest Hotel)

Basil of Baker Street defeats Ratigan, saving the Queen. (London - The Great Mouse Detective)

Karl Rupert Kronen born. (Munich - Hellboy)

Czar Nicholas uses a Faberge Egg. (Moscow, Russia - Octopussy)

Captain Witwicky and his crew reach the Arctic Shelf discovering the Allspark (Arctic Shelf - Transformers)

12th April: "The Cheat", working as an elevator operator at the H (Monaco - The Cheat)

25th May: Jonathan Harker is en route from England to Transylvania to meet with an eccentric Count to discuss real estate transactions. (Budapest - Dracula)

26th May: Bram Stoker's novel Dracula is first offered for sale. (London, England - Vampire Secrets)

30th May: Jonathan Harker assaulted by lesbian vampire women. (Transylvania - Dracula)

20th June: Count Dracula en route from Varna to London via the Demeter. (Atlantic Ocean - Dracula)

21st June: An edition of The Illustrated London Mouse runs with the headline "Queen Honours Detective" and the subtitle "Queen Praises Detective Basil, Medal to be Given." (London - The Great Mouse Detective)

22nd June: All the people of Great Britain rejoice in celebration of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. Her Majesty's procession pauses outside St. Paul's Cathedral to acknowledge the outpouring of affection from her people. (London England - Victoria the Great)

July: Dr Abraham Van Helsing arrives to assist Dr Jack Seward in diagnosing Lucy Westenra's mysterious ailment. (London, England - Dracula)

3rd July: Count Dracula arrives in London; all hands aboard the Demeter are missing. (London, England - Dracula)

25th July: Jack London leaves for the Klondike to join the gold rush. (Jack London)

12th August: Jonathan Harker escapes Dracula's castle and takes refuge with the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, the abbey where he and Mina Murray will later be married. (Transylvania - Dracula)

3rd September: Daniel Nicholson alleged to have died - later proved to be a lie. (Philadelphia, PA - The Village)

17th September: Van Helsing, Harker & co destroy Dracula's lair at Carfax Abbey, but the Count escapes to take Mina as his bride. (London - Dracula)

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