The Movie Timeline - it's like a timeline, but of movies
Field of Dreams - timeline
Chisholm, Minnesota founded as a town. (Minnesota)
John Kinsella born. (North Dakota)
John Kinsella first sees a big city when he returns from The Great War in France.
The Chicago White Sox lose the World Series.
Seven Chicago White Sox players throw the World Series - Shoeless Joe Jackson's involvement is never proved.
John Kinsella moves to Brooklyn.
John Kinsella marries. (Brooklyn, New York)
Ray Kinsella born. (New York)
Ray Kinsella born.
The mother of Ray and wife of John Kinsella dies.
The Dodgers move away from Brooklyn and become the Los Angeles Dodgers.
Moonlight Graham dies.
Terence Mann gives his last interview, saying that his one regret was that he would have loved to have played with the Chicago White Sox.
Ray Kinsella marries Annie.
Ray Kinsella builds a baseball diamond in his field after hearing a voice repeating, "If you build it, he will come."