The Movie Timeline - of all the movie timelines on all the net, you walked into this one

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9th August: Weyland Industries introduces revolutionary, game-changing language tool. It is the first ever to require no actual learning on the consumer (Prometheus)


2nd September: Weyland Industries earns patent number 16,572,092 for Method and Apparatus for the first fully-automated diagnosis and surgical station. (Prometheus)


A film titled The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish is released. (Cloud Atlas)

The global human population is 40,614,325,866. (Elysium)

26th February: Only 7% of humans can recognize the sixth generation of David as a cybernetic individual. (Prometheus)


4th April: The Enterprise arrives from 2373 to prevent the Borg murder of Zephram Cochrane, the inventor of the warp drive. (Star Trek: First Contact)

5th April: Humans make their first contact with the Vulcans. (Star Trek: First Contact)

1st December: Weyland Industries earns patent number 17,900,353 for Method and Apparatus for an antigravity device that 3D live-maps any foreign terrain, revolutionizing the pre-process of terraforming and developing new colonies. (Prometheus)


11th August: Significantly upgraded space suit includes a variety of Weyland patented features, such as cadium exo-skeleton; info display with mission details; vitals: environmental stats and more. (Prometheus)


New York City becomes 'Old New York City'. (New York - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within)

23rd June: Sir Peter Weyland Memorial Library built. (Washington, D.C. - Prometheus)

20th November: As Weyland Industries expands their terraforming activities and colonial endeavors, the company is approached by the US government to begin work on the formation of a colonial peacekeeping force trained or populated by marines in the event of future conflict. (Washington, D.C. - Prometheus)


7th April: As production costs for the David series decreases, Weyland Industries is increasingly able to extend those savings to everyday consumers, leading to remarkable proliferation of the product. (Prometheus)


Blight permanently destroys okra. A series of gravitational anomalies caused by Cooper from the future interacting with time via a tesseract occur around Coopers farmhouse. NASA launches the Endurance (Interstellar)

Joe Simmons meets a Chinese woman who gives him the middle finger. (Shanghai, China - Looper)

15th April: A dust storm occurs (Colorado - Interstellar)


"The Alliance" demand an end to Berynium-mining to stop lethal doses of radiation and pollution, causing NEB Corporation to declare war. (Screamers)

6th July: Weyland builds and successfully deploys thousands of Seventh Generation Davids into workplaces across the universe. Human acceptance of David 7 reaches an all-time high thanks to Weyland (Prometheus)


The crew of the Endurance wake up from cryosleep and enter the wormhole, which takes them to another galaxy. Cooper, Amelia and Doyle land on Miller’s Planet (Interstellar)

Joe Simmons marries the Chinese woman he had met two years prior. (United States - Looper)

The Nebuchadnezzar transport ship, later to be captained by Morpheus, is constructed - or is it? (USA - The Matrix Reloaded)


Donald dies around this time (Interstellar)

30th June: Since FDA approval, one dozen have been produced with tens of thousands on back order. (Prometheus)


13th May: Weyland Industries becomes Worldwide Olympic Partner and official (Prometheus)

14th June: Weyland Cybernetics announces immediate recall of David 7 models. (San Francisco, California - Prometheus)

16th August: Weyland Industries earns patent number 18,364,003 for Method and Apparatus for device able to temporarily restart brain activity of deceased individuals. (Prometheus)

31st October: Terrorist Vincent Volaju is killed and is plan to spread a deadly virus around the world is thwarted. (Mars - Cowboy Bebop: The Movie)


Equilibrium. (Equilibrium)

Jack Harper's memory is erased. (Oblivion)

9th March: Weyland Industries consolidates all products and solutions into seven verticals: health, transportation, energy, electronics, terraforming, security and cybernetics. (Prometheus)

9th July: An article titled, "Prometheus: An innovative new technology for interstellar travel" is published. (San Francisco, California - Prometheus)

23rd December: David 8 pre-orders exceed analyst's best expecations. (Henri Gaston Colony, HD 202206bm - Prometheus)


1st January: Based on recent classified findings by Weyland researchers, the company determines the exact coordinates of a new destination for long-time pet project: Project Prometheus. New round of investment is immediately opened and mission planning enters full-swing. (Prometheus)


The Lima Project is launched, the goal being to set up orbit around Neptune to look for signs of extraterrestrial life without interference from the sun (Ad Astra)

In the year 2074 the PinWheel corporation creates cyborg "Cash" designed specifically to charm her way into a rival manufacturer's headquarters and then self-detonate. Things go awry when she starts to have feelings for a human, "Colt 45". (Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow)

The global human population is 49,001,394,378. (Elysium)

Time travel is perfected. Joe Simmons' wife is killed when he is taken from his home to close the loop. He goes back in time to 2044 with the intention of killing the Rainmaker. (Shanghai, China - Looper)


AI programs evolve and some robots begin to resent their human overlords - or do they? (The Matrix Reloaded)

14th May: Weyland announces revolutionary Internet Explorer partnership. (San Francisco, California - Prometheus)


Armadyne humanoid robotic systems assist in the contruction of Elysium. (Elysium)


The unmanned space probe Von Braun arrives at the Earth-like world Darwin IV; two landers discover a complex multicellular ecosystem, and are ultimately destroyed by a a pre-technological intelligent species due to an unidentified misunderstanding. (Darwin Binary Star System - Alien Planet)

Minister Patel is credited as chief architect of the West Asian Peace Accords. (Elysium)

The first case of a machine rising up against its owners, as butler robot B166ER slaughters two humans, leading to a backlash against AI - or is there/does it? (The Matrix Reloaded)

Tech 49 Jack Harper meets his wife. (Oblivion)


6th December: Burke orders colonists on planet LV-426 to investigate the Alien ship. This event leads to the deaths of the entire colony, except for one little girl called Newt. (LV-426 - Aliens)


Pluto Nash had adventures. (The Adventures of Pluto Nash)

Recently freed Pluto Nash buys Scottish crooner Anthony Frakowski's bar, saving Anthony's life from gangsters. Anthony goes on to change his name to Tony Francis and achieve fame. (Little America, The Moon - The Adventures of Pluto Nash)

Robots establish Zero One community, after anti-machine rioting pushes them out of major cities - maybe, or not. (Middle East - The Matrix Reloaded)

Julia and her daughter are found by Tech 52 Jack Harper. (Oblivion)


The expected launch date of Project Prometheus. (Prometheus)


Transimissions from the unmanned mission to Darwin IV reach Earth via a laser, confirming multicellular and intelligent life exists on Darwin IV. (Earth - Alien Planet)


Mars develops an atmosphere thanks to ancient technology hidden deep within the planet, so Douglas Quaid visits. (Total Recall)


Zero One robot community thrives and creates superior vehicles, computers and weaponry to wipe out many human nations - praps. (Middle East - The Matrix Reloaded)


The global human population is 57,388,462,890. (Elysium)


Pluto Nash's bar is blown up by mysterious gangster Rex Crater after a failed takeover. Nash goes to investigate the source of the problem. (Little America, The Moon - The Adventures of Pluto Nash)

Pluto Nash confronts Rex Crater, who turns out to be a clone of himself. The clone is killed at the end of a fight, falling to his death in front of hundreds of casino patrons. (Moon Beach, The Moon - The Adventures of Pluto Nash)


Q2 marks Armadyne's 100th consecutive quarter of profit. (Elysium)


Communication with the Lima Project is lost (Neptune - Ad Astra)


Collapse of several Earth-based national governments spurs creation of CCB. (Elysium)

Weyland Industries stops being Worldwide Olympic Partner and official (Prometheus)

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