The Movie Timeline - of all the movie timelines on all the net, you walked into this one

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A plague arises. (Styria, Austria - Season of the Witch)


Battle of Smyrna. Behmen von Bleibruck and Felson desert the Order after witnessing the massacre of civilians. (Smyrna, Turkey - Season of the Witch)


The Black Death begins, and knights embark on a quest to hunt down a necromancer. (Black Death)


Several bungling American archeologists briefly appear from the future. (France - Timeline)

2nd April: Prof. E.A. Johnston left a note to be found in the future by his students, so they would come back in time to help him. (Castlegard, France - Timeline)


The Black Plague; Torquemada begins his Grand Inquisition. (History of the World: Part I)


10th October: Predators arrive for their feasting ritual on xenomorphs and humans. (Alien Vs. Predator)


25th October: Henry V fights the Battle of Agincourt. (Agincourt - Henry V)


Vladislaus Valerious born. (Transylvania - Van Helsing)


Joan of Arc kidnapped by Bill & Ted while praying. (Orleans, France - Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure)


Santa Claus The Eleventh is born. (Arthur Christmas)

23rd May: Jeanne d'Arc decides to attack the fort of Margny with her small remaining band of loyalists. They are met by superior Bourguignon forces in an open field and Jeanne is quickly pulled from her mount. Lieutenant Jean de Luxmbourg, The Bastard of Wandonne requests she surrender, offering to "take [her] faith", which she gives resignedly. (Compiegne, France - Joan the Maid: The Prisons)


Vlad III is born. (Sighișoara, Transylvania, Romania - Dracula 2000)

30th May: Joan of Arc, the peasant girl who became the savior of France, is burned at the stake for heresy. (Normandy - Joan of Arc)


Radu the Handsome is born. (Dracula 2000)


Radu the Handsome becomes prince. (Wallachia, Romania - Dracula 2000)

Vladislaus Valerious killed at the hand of his friend, Van Helsing; Vladislaus makes a pact with Satan and returns as Dracula. (Van Helsing)


Elizabeth and Joanna are born. (England - Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey)


Radu's reign ends. (Wallachia, Romania - Dracula 2000)


December: Vlad III dies. (Wallachia, Romania - Dracula 2000)


14th February: The Duke of Clarence is drowned in a vat of Malmsey wine. (England - Richard III)

26th April: Francesco de' Pazzi is hung (Florence, Italy - Hannibal)


The Hunchback of Notre Dame. (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)


June/July: Richard III proclaims himself King of England following the murder of the Princes in the Tower. (London, England - Richard III)

A year in a French dictionary next to the definition, "A wooden hoop." (Taking Lives)


22nd August: King Richard III is killed after losing his horse at the battle of Bosworth Field. (Bosworth Field, England - Richard III)


Mircea dies. (Romania - Dracula 2000)

Mircea dies. (Romania - Dracula 2000)


Bill and Ted take Princesses Elizabeth and Joanna with them. (England - Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure)


Mircea III may have been born this year. (Romania - Dracula 2000)


Santa Claus The Eleventh dies. (Arthur Christmas)


Prince Vlad halts the Muslim Turk invasion of Europe; the defeated Turks send word of the Prince's death to his wife, Elizabeth, who commits suicide. (Transylvania - Dracula)

The Church tells Prince Vlad that because Elizabeth commited suicide, she will be condemned to Hell. Outraged, Vlad renounces Christ & makes a pact with Satan. In so doing, he becomes Nosferatu. (Transylvania - Dracula)

Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington's attempted beheading - after 45 strikes he becomes the ghost Nearly Headless Nick. (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)

12th October: Land sighted from the Pinta (1492: Conquest of Paradise)

12th October: Discovery of America. (America - Vertigo)


9th January: Christopher Columbus sees three "mermaids"--in reality manatees--and describes them as "not half as beautiful as they are painted." (Dominican Republic - 1492: Conquest of Paradise)


Mircea the Monk dies. (Romania - Dracula 2000)


Radu the Handsome dies. (Dracula 2000)


10th October: Predators arrive for their feasting ritual on xenomorphs and humans. (Alien Vs. Predator)


Danielle de Barbarac's father dies. (France - Ever After)

20th May: Christopher Columbus dies. (Valladolid, Spain - Christopher Columbus: The Discovery)


Michelangelo paints Sistine Chapel frescoes for Julius II. (Vatican City - The Agony and the Ecstasy)

Wihnea becomes prince. (Wallachia, Romania - Dracula 2000)


11th June: King Henry VIII marries Catherine of Aragon. (Anne of the Thousand Days)


Miwnea the Bad dies. (Dracula 2000)


A Spanish captain and a woman pirate join Ponce de Leon's search for the Fountain of Youth. (Florida - Hurricane Island)


Spanish Armada doesn't happen. (Billy Madison)


Prince Henry of France meets Danielle De Barbarac and recovers the Mona Lisa after it was briefly stolen by gypsies. (France - Ever After)


31st October: Martin Luther nails the 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation to the door of Castle Church. (Wittenberg, Germany - Luther)


1st January: Connor MacLeod born. (Glenfinnan, Scotland - Highlander)


Hern (Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade)


A rebellion against General Katana on planet Zeist is quashed. (Highlander II: The Quickening)


Isla Nublar is discovered by Spanish navigator Diego Fernandez. Cartographer Nicolás de Huelva names the island Isla Nublar, or "Cloud Island" due to the clouds of black smoke emanating from the just-erupted Mount Sibo (Isla Nublar, Costa Rica - Jurassic Park)


Santa Claus the Thirteenth is born. (Arthur Christmas)


16th November: Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro defeats Incan emperor Atahuallpa. (Cajamarca, Peru - The Day After Tomorrow)


11th September: Elizabeth, future queen of England, born. (England - Elizabeth)


Mircea II dies. (Romania - Dracula 2000)

Jacques Cartier sails to North America. (Ever After)


6th July: Sir Thomas More executed for refusing to accept Henry VIII as leader of the Church of England. (London, England - A Man For All Seasons)

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