The Movie Timeline - be obsessive, be very obsessive

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The Emperor, of the Tang dynasty, returns home to find his own family rebelling against him. (China - Curse of the Golden Flower)


Arthur gathers knights for a quest for the Holy Grail. (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)


Odin, King of Asgard, wages war against the Frost Giants of Jotunheim and their leader Laufey. (Tonnesberg, Norway - Thor)


A peasant revolt leaves tyrannical King Freyne dead. Einon inherits the crown just before receiving a fatal blow to the heart. Queen Aislinn brings him before a dragon, Draco, who shares his heart with the boy and saves his life. (Dragonheart)


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry founded. (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)


Bowen is forced to kill Draco in order to kill Einon. Draco turns to energy and joins his ancient brothers in the constellation Draco. (Dragonheart)


Pai Mei, head of the White Lotus Clan, slaughters 60 Shaolin monks. (China - Kill Bill: Volume 2)

Pai-Mei nods to a passing Shaolin Monk, but the monk does not nod back, so demands his neck. This is refused, so he massacres the 60 monks in the temple. The legend of the five-point palm exploding heart technique begins. (Kill Bill: Volume 2)


10th October: Predators arrive for their feasting ritual on xenomorphs and humans. (Alien Vs. Predator)


Norman Invasion of England. (England - Billy Madison)


King Duncan I is murdered by Macbeth (Scotland - Macbeth)


15th August: At the Battle of Lumphanan, King Macbeth of Scotland is slain by Malcolm Canmore, whose father, King Duncan I, was murdered by Macbeth 17 years earlier. (Macbeth)


14th October: Battle of Hastings. (Hastings, England - Vertigo)

25th December: William the Conqueror is crowned king of England. (Johnny English Reborn)


Rodrigo Diaz of Bivar, El Cid, stopped the invasion of Spain by the Moslem Moors under Ben Yussuf by rallying the Spanish armies to fight, even though he died in the last battle. (Valencia, Spain - El Cid)


10th October: Predators arrive for their feasting ritual on xenomorphs and humans. (Alien Vs. Predator)


13th January: Pope Honorius II grants a papal sanction to the military order known as the Knights Templar, declaring it to be an army of God. (National Treasure)


29th December: Assassination of Thomas Becket. (Canterbury, U.K. - Becket)


King Henry II plans a reunion to name his successor. (The Lion in Winter)

25th December: Henry II's entire family plots against him taking a new wife and thus disinheriting his sons, but both his and his family's plots fail, leaving all at status quo. (Chinon (but historically inaccurate) - The Lion in Winter)


Balian of Ibelin arrives after losing his family and faith. (Jerusalem - Kingdom of Heaven)

Robin of Locksley is chained up in a dungeon with Maid Marian's brother, Peter. (Jerusalem - Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves)


Balian helps King Baldwin IV defend the city between the Second and Third Crusades. (Jerusalem - Kingdom of Heaven)


Robin Hood, with Azeem, returns from the Crusades to find that his father has been murdered; Robin escapes to Sherwood Forest and becomes the leader of a group of exiled villagers . (Nottingham, England - Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves)


Robin Longstride takes part in the siege against Chalus Castle. (Haute-Vienne, France - Robin Hood)


William, the Lycan, attacks a village and kills everyone. (Underworld: Evolution)


10th October: Predators arrive for their feasting ritual on xenomorphs and humans. (Alien Vs. Predator)


Genghis Khan, roaming the hills, is kidnapped. (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure)


Magna Carta signed. (England - Vertigo)

15th June: Magna Carta is issued. (England - Billy Madison)


18th August: Genghis Khan dies. (Genghis Khan)


A stonemason revolts against a bloodthirsty king who seeks dominion over the gods. (Immortals)


Three women accused of witchcraft are hanged by a priest. The priest performs a ritual to prevent the bodies from coming back to life. While successfully completing the ritual for the first two of the bodies, the third takes on a demonic appearance and kills the priest (Villach, Austria - Season of the Witch)


The last of the knights from the Crusades elects to stay behind to guard the Holy Grail. (Turkey - Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade)


William Wallace's family killed in a battle with the English. (Scotland - Braveheart)


William Wallace marries Murron, briefly. (Scotland - Braveheart)


William Wallace at The Battle of Sterling, Where the memorable taunt towards the English before the second volley of arrows. (Braveheart)


22nd July: William Wallace loses The Battle of Falkirk. (Braveheart)


Ashley J Williams arrives from the future to combat the Army of Darkness. (Army of Darkness)

Necronomicon-Ex-Mortis disappears. (Evil Dead II)

1st January: According to a lie, a spaceship lands. (Babylon - The Invention of Lying)


10th October: Predators arrive for their feasting ritual on xenomorphs and humans. (Alien Vs. Predator)


William Wallace executed at The Tower of London. (London - Braveheart)


Cole Christopher Frederick Lyons of Norwich is born. (Norwich, England - The Knight Before Christmas)

13th October: The Knights Templar declared heretic by the Catholic Church. (The Da Vinci Code)


Future priest Valek is born. (Prague, Bohemia - Vampires)


Piers Gaveston, lover and favourite of Edward II, is executed. (Edward II)


Robert The Bruce leads the Scots against the English to win their freedom. (Braveheart)


Edward II imprisoned by his wife and her supporters in Berkeley Castle and presumably executed in secret there. (Berkeley Castle, England - Edward II)

Nicholas Flamel, creator of the Philisopher's Stone, is born. (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)


Brother William of Baskerville and his young aide Adso investigate a string of murders in a remote abbey. (North Italy - The Name of the Rose)


25th December: Cole Christopher Frederick Lyons of Norwich is knighted by King Edward III. (Norwich, England - The Knight Before Christmas)


Teutonic Knights Behmen von Bleibruck and Felson take part in a crusade. (Gulf of Edremit, Turkey - Season of the Witch)


Sinuhe the royal physician poisons Akhenaten the pharaoh, so Horemheb the son of a cheesesmaker can succeed to the throne. (Thebes, Egypt - The Egyptian)

Siege of Tripoli. (Tripoli, Libya - Season of the Witch)

18th December: While hawking, Sir Cole Christopher Frederick Lyons of Norwich encounters an Old Crone and is transported to 2019. (Norwich, England - The Knight Before Christmas)

25th December: After spending a week in 2019, Sir Cole Christopher Frederick Lyons returns home, though only briefly. (Norwich, England - The Knight Before Christmas)


Battle of Imbros. (Imbros, Turkey - Season of the Witch)


Battle of Artah. (Turkey - Season of the Witch)


A portrait of the Master is painted. (Vampires)

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