The Movie Timeline - of all the movie timelines on all the net, you walked into this one

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The year Stephen Macray is to be released from prison. (Boston, Massachusetts - The Town)

4th July: Weyland Industries becomes chief employer of Asian Conflict veterans supplying 35% with steady work. (Prometheus)


2nd March: Weyland Industries earns patent number 13,345,075 for Method and Apparatus for an add-on feature to Weyland Storm capable of compensating for composition, density, pressure and refractive index of any atmosphere. (Prometheus)

14th May: Weyland astronomers discover multiple moons and a ringed planet just outside the Zeta 2 Reticula System, which are possibly able to support life. Weyland expects to travel there within the century (Prometheus)

28th May: Using the Weyland Atmospheric Processor, the first functional and breathable atmosphere is produced on planet GJ 667Cc clearing the way for further terraforming activities on other planets. (Prometheus)

15th July: "The Rainmaker" is born. (Looper)


Deep space vessel Event Horizon sent to explore boundaries of Solar System; disappears beyond Neptune, the worst space disaster on record. (Event Horizon)

Marni Wallace is poisoned. Her husband Nathan is only able to save their baby Shilo. (Repo! The Genetic Opera)

23rd January: Captain John Kilpatch makes his final log aboard the Event Horizon. (Deep Space - Event Horizon)


1st April: David 4 becomes the first commercially available model of the David series. He is eventually expected to improve work-flow and efficiency at offices and homes across the world. (Prometheus)

18th August: Weyland Industries awarded government contract to build and maintain HD 85512 b Class E Correctional Unit. Prisoners from Earth and other facilities are successfully relocated, and many have since been rehabilitated into society. (Prometheus)

20th November: Weyland Industries writes $5 billion check to Little Explorers -- a charity dedicated to the education of troubled middle school students interested in science and technology. (Prometheus)


First generation Armadyne Bots pass the Turing Test. (Elysium)

In one timeline, a looper named Joe Simmons executes his future self and decides to change his life. In a different timeline, his future self avoids execution and tries to kill the "Rain Maker", but disappears when his younger self shoots himself. (Kansas - Looper)

Maks and Albert are brought out of hybernation, way past schedule. (Poland - Seksmisja)

17th November: The date that Lance Barton was supposed to die on. (New York City - Down to Earth)


Joe Simmons leaves for Shanghai. (Shanghai, China - Looper)

John Anderton goes on the run after pre-cogs reveal he will murder a stranger in 36 hours . (Washington DC - Minority Report)

Wade Watts and his online friends seek the Golden Easter Eggs left by the late James Halliday in the OASIS virtual reality universe. (Columbus Ohio - Ready Player One)


In the Hong Kong Megalopolis, a train journey to 2046 (a time, a place, a room number) with android companions. (Hong Kong - 2046)

Doom. (Doom)

The lost ship Event Horizon is discovered in low orbit. (Neptune - Event Horizon)


The starship Lewis & Clark sent to investigate and salvage the lost starship Event Horizon - they discover bad things. (Event Horizon)

Joe Simmons goes to a night club and does drugs. (Shanghai, China - Looper)


Andrew visits Richard on his deathbed. (Bicentennial Man)


Officer K finds the remains of a female replicant in a box, a discovery that could challenge the structure of society between humans and replicants. (Blade Runner 2049)

13-year-old girl Zenon Kar lives with her family on an Earth-orbiting space station. (Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century)

26th November: The date of a newspaper with an article titled, World's Deepest Drill Under Construction (Underwater)


Newspeak eclipses Oldspeak. (1984)

The global human population is 32,227,257,354. (Elysium)

Joe Simmons continues doing drugs. (Shanghai, China - Looper)

2nd February: The date of a newspaper with an article titled, Deepwater Mystery (Underwater)

7th August: The Roebuck Drill Disaster occurs; A drilling station located in the Mariana Trench awakens a giant creature. The station is blown up in an attempt to kill it. A newspaper article titled, Two survivors rescued after drilling accident, is soon published (Mariana Trench, Pacific Ocean - Underwater)

12th August: The date of a newspaper with an article titled, Suspicious anomalies suround accident (Underwater)


19th April: Weyland Industries makes essential updates to on-planet transport. The new vehicle is capable of traversing any known terrain and has virtually no weight limit for cargo, passengers and equipment. (Prometheus)


MedPod 1000 debuts. (Elysium)

Tom Cooper is born (Interstellar)

14th February: Weyland Industries earns patent number 14,524,002 for Method and Apparatus for first manned land-vehicle capable of negotiating vertical surfaces. This technology permits Weyland scientists and terraforming teams to reach previously inaccessible destinations. (Prometheus)

7th July: Weyland makes significant intellectual and emotional updates to the David android, further increasing human acceptance. (Prometheus)


Travis Ryer moves into a new flat in the city. (A Sound of Thunder)

World War III ends and the Earth is left devastated by the nuclear carnage of it. (Star Trek: First Contact)


Joe Simmons shoots people. (Shanghai, China - Looper)

Minority Report. (Minority Report)

Immortality is found out, but the person who found it is quickly killed so her corporation doesn't control life and death. (Paris, France - Renaissance)


Time-travellers return from a prehistoric safari hunt to discover they've destroyed the future - in at least in one timeline, anyway. (A Sound of Thunder)

1st August: NAFE (National Association for Female Executives) names Weyland Industries a Top 50 Company for Executive Women. (Prometheus)

23rd November: Travis Ryer's prehistoric time-travelling safari team barely return from the past when his gun jams directly in front of a dinosaur. (A Sound of Thunder)

24th November: Thousands of suicidal fish beach themselves on the shore of Lake Michigan, and a safari time-jump goes wrong when the time-travellers face a volcano by mistake. (A Sound of Thunder)


29th January: Weyland Industries earns patent number 15,725,924 for Method and Apparatus for a mechanised exo-skeleton used for lifting and moving heavy objects such as crates and vehicle weaponry. (Prometheus)


Nasa launches the Lazarus Missions through the wormhole, in search for a new home for mankind (Interstellar)

Murphy “Murph” Cooper is born (Interstellar)

Red Planet. (Red Planet)

The Genetic Opera. (Repo! The Genetic Opera)

Humans are sent to the dying Sun in an attempt to ignite it with nuclear weapons. (Space, near the Sun - Sunshine)

6th May: Weyland Industries earns patent number 15,999,127 for Method and Apparatus for an ejectable luxury pod able to sustain one human life for up to 50 years. (Prometheus)


A futuristic mercenary guards a woman who is mankind's last hope for survival. (Babylon A.D.)

Berynium is discovered and ends Earth's energy crisis. (Planet Sirius 6B - Screamers)


22nd July: Weyland introduces unique expedition security apparatus able to decontaminate indoor and outdoor environments. Apparatus mines surrounding air for flammable compounds, making it ultra light-weight as well as self-replenishing. (Prometheus)


Uranium-powered turbine technology is perfected. (Elysium)

Blight permanently destroys wheat (Worldwide - Interstellar)

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