The Movie Timeline - here's looking at movies, kid

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The big bang created the 6 infinity stones Space,Mind,Reality,Power,Time,and Soul. (Guardians of the Galaxy)


The Xians attack Earth with many monsters but Godzilla fights and defeats them all with the help off Mothra and Gotengo. (all over the world - Godzilla: Final Wars)


12th April: Jesus leaves Jerusalem with Philip, Peter, Andrew, John and Nathaniel; Judas joins them, and they head north. (King of Kings)

11th May: Jesus enters Capernum, casts out a demon from a man and heals an ill child. (King of Kings)

6th June: Matthew, the 7th disciple, joins Jesus and his followers at the crossroads of Tibega. (King of Kings)

6th July: The Feeding of the 5000. (at the foot of Mt Tamor near Lake Galilee - King of Kings)

16th July: Jesus walks on water, and the storms on the lake cease. (Lake Galilee - King of Kings)


Ben-Hur defeats Messala in a major chariot race; Messala is killed. (Judea - Ben-Hur)

Dracula watches Christ being crucified. (Jerusalem - Blade: Trinity)

Dracula turns out to be Judas who was condemned to walk the Earth after being resurrected from his supposed suicide and betrayal of Christ. (Dracula 2000)

A group people are condemned to bear witness to tragedies for all eternity for watching Christ get crucified for the sake of curiosity. (The Gathering)

Judas Iscariot commits suicide in remorse for betraying Christ. (Jesus Christ Superstar)

Jesus is crucified and raised from the dead. (Jesus of Nazareth)

Brian of Nazareth is crucified, and presumably not raised from the dead. (Jerusalem - Monty Python's Life of Brian)

Jesus is crucified and raised from the dead. (The Passion of the Christ)


The 13th disciple Rufus is stoned to death. (Antioch - Dogma)

Evidence of Engineers' in Scotland (Isle of Skye, Scotland - Prometheus)


The events of the Asterix films. (Armorica, France - Asterix the Gaul)

A bride-to-be and her maid switch bodies thanks to a pair of magic earrings. (The Hot Chick)


An asteroid strikes down in Guzumel, Mexico with an impact equivalent to ten thousand nuclear weapons detonating simultaneously that wipes out everything on earth. (Guzumel, Mexico - Armageddon)

A Tyrannosaurus loses a fight with a Giganotosaurus, and in turn, a mosquito drains its blood (Pangaea - Jurassic Park)

An asteroid hits the earth and causes non-avian dinosaurs to go extinct (Worldwide - Jurassic Park)


The Creators arrive on earth to plant the seed which caused a extinction event turning dinosaurs into metal the Creators then used it to create the Transformers. (Pangea - Transformers: Age of Extinction)


24th August: Pompeii is destroyed when Mount Vesuvius erupts. (Pompeii - Pompeii)


10th October: Predators arrive for their feasting ritual on xenomorphs and humans. (Alien Vs. Predator)


Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius begins his 12 year campaign against the Barbarian Tribes. (Germania - Gladiator)


Flee infested villages are scratched. (Gladiator)


General Maximus wins the battle in Germania, Marcus Aurelius is murdered by his son Commodus and Commodus becomes Emperor. (Gladiator)


Maximus becomes a great Gladiator and kills Commodus, before dying himself. (Gladiator)


10th October: Predators arrive for their feasting ritual on xenomorphs and humans. (Alien Vs. Predator)


A meteorite crashes on Earth near Shinomura and Godzilla, eliminating all airborne radiation and most of all life on the planet. Without their natural radioactive power source, Godzilla and other kaiju enter hibernation for millions of years, while others either adapt to live deep in the ocean like Godzilla or begin living beneath the surface and absorb radiation from Earth's core instead. (Godzilla)


Santa Claus The First is born. (Arthur Christmas)


The Roman Empire is stretched from Arabia to Britain. (King Arthur)


10th October: Predators arrive for their feasting ritual on xenomorphs and humans. (Alien Vs. Predator)


As Rome becomes officially Christian, the Nicaean council forms the basis of Christianity, including the canon and the sacraments. (Nicaea - The Da Vinci Code)


22nd May: Constantine The Great, Emperor of Rome, converts to Christianity on his death-bed. (The Da Vinci Code)


Santa Claus The First dies. (Arthur Christmas)


10th October: Predators arrive for their feasting ritual on xenomorphs and humans. (Alien Vs. Predator)


Artorius and his knights join with the Woads defend Hadrian's Wall against the invading Saxons. (Britain - King Arthur)


Aurelius returns to Rome where he becomes the sworn protector of the young Romulus Augustus Caesar, the new emperor of the crumbling Roman Empire. (Rome - The Last Legion)


King Arthur wins the Battle of Badon's Hill. (Badon's Hill, Hadrian's Wall - King Arthur)


Arthur wins the Battle of Badon Hill. (Badon's Hill, Hadrian's Wall - King Arthur)


10th October: Predators arrive for their feasting ritual on xenomorphs and humans. (Alien Vs. Predator)


King Hrothgar celebrates his new mead hall, Heorod. The voice disturbs the monster Grendel who comes to the hall and kills the Danes. Beowulf hears of the monster and sails to Denmark to kill Grendel. (Denmark - Beowulf)

Beowulf becomes king of the Danes after Hrothgar jumps off of the tower and kills himself. (Denmark - Beowulf)

Men fight each other naked. (Disaster Movie)


21st June: Hank Martin from 20th Century Connecticut, USA is hauled before King Arthur and sentenced to death by bonfire. Having read in his pocket almanac that an eclipse will occur at noon, Martin threatens that he will blot out the sun if he's not released. When his threat comes true, he is proclaimed a great wizard, proclaimed Prime Minister and dubbed "Sir Boss". (England - A Yankee in King Arthur's Court)


Mary Magdelene smeared as a prostitute. (The Da Vinci Code)


Masasume, father-in-law of the man who would later be known as Juan S (Japan - Highlander)


10th October: Predators arrive for their feasting ritual on xenomorphs and humans. (Alien Vs. Predator)


Myan evidence of Engineers' visit to Earth (Prometheus)


10th October: Predators arrive for their feasting ritual on xenomorphs and humans. (Alien Vs. Predator)


Kainan, a man from a far off part of the universe crash lands in Norway during the iron age. He begins hunting down an alien beast called a Moorwen that stowed away onboard and which has started killing off the pre-viking natives. (Norway - Outlander)


Maxim Horvath joins forces with Morgana Le Fay to defeat Merlin. They then fight Balthazar Blake and Veronica Gorloisen. (The Sorcerer's Apprentice)


The Prometheus myth first appears in Greek mythology (Prometheus)


10th October: Predators arrive for their feasting ritual on xenomorphs and humans. (Alien Vs. Predator)


he House of Flying Daggers rises to oppose the governing Tang dynasty. (China - House of Flying Daggers)


10th October: Predators arrive for their feasting ritual on xenomorphs and humans. (Alien Vs. Predator)


A tree is planted. (Vertigo)


The last Neanderthal tribe dies out as one Arab and twelve Viking warriors kill the Queen and War Chief. (The 13th Warrior)

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