The Movie Timeline - it's like a timeline, but of movies

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Sunday 30th October: The Zodiac Killer takes his first victim.

Sunday 30th October: The Zodiac Killer takes his first victim.


Monday 1st January: The theoretical Zodiac killer confides to a colleague about his plans.


Friday 4th July: A couple are killed, supposedly by the Zodiac killer.

Saturday 27th September: Another couple fall victim to the Zodiac killer.

Saturday 11th October: A taxi driver is shot and killed, supposedly by the Zodiac killer. (San Francisco)

Monday 13th October: A blood-stained shirt is sent to The San Francisco Chronicle.

November: The Zodiac Killer vows to never give advance notice when he kills again.


Sunday 22nd March: A woman and baby are victims to the Zodiac killer in their car. (Modesto, California)

Wednesday 18th November: Police begin to investigate what is possibly the Zodiac Killer's first murder, from four years earlier.

Wednesday 18th November: The police begin to investigate the first Zodiac killing.


Monday 26th July: Inspector William Armstrong traces the Zodiac Killer back to the school they suspect he worked at.

Monday 26th July: Inspector William Armstrong traces the Zodiac killer back to a school janitor.

Wednesday 4th August: The police visit Arthur Leigh Allen in connection with the Zodiac killings.

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