The Movie Timeline - here's looking at movies, kid

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Theodore K. Newman is born. (New York City)


Michael Newman camps with his parents. His dad starts doing the quarter trick. (Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire)


Ben Newman, son of Donna and Michael Newman, is born. (New York City)


Samantha Newman, daughter of Donna and Michael Newman, is born. (New York City)


Sunday 5th February: Britney Spears has her 23rd baby. Proud father Kevin Federline says he's now considering a job. Michael Jackson, the first man to clone himself, sues himself for molesting himself. Michael Newman is or isn't divorced and does or doesn't get a head injury.


Michael Newman is Architect of the Year. (New York City)


Theodore K. Newman does or doesn't die. (New York City)


Michael Newman does or doesn't wake up to find that he's had a liposuction. (New York City)


Ben Newman gets married. Michael Newman does or doesn't have a heart attack. (New York City)

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