The Movie Timeline - here's looking at movies, kid

Movie history events from 1837

Abraham Lincoln starts working for shopkeeper Joshua Speed. (Springfield, Illinois) (Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter)

Victoria crowned Queen of England. (Mrs. Brown)

18th March: Grover Cleveland is born. (Caldwell, New Jersey) (The Monroe Doctrine)

17th June: Union Colonel Strong Vincent is born. (Waterford, Pennsylvania) (Gettysburg)

20th June: It has pleased Almighty God to release from his sufferings his most excellent and gracious Sovereign King William IV. His Majesty expired in Windsor Castle at 12 minutes past 2 o'clock A.M. this day. The Princess Alexandrina Victoria is awakened at Kensington Palace by the Archbishop of Canterbury and informed that she is now Queen of England. (England) (Victoria the Great)

21st June: Proclamation Day. From the balcony of St. James Palace, the 18-year-old Royal Princess Victoria is officially proclaimed Queen of Great Britain and Ireland and Defender of the Faith. Queen Victoria formally acknowledges her desire to retain Prime Minister Lord Melbourne and his Ministry at the Head of Affairs. (London England) (Victoria the Great)

28th June: Coronation Day. Queen Victoria is crowned the Undoubted Queen of the Realm in Westminster Abbey. (London England) (Victoria the Great)

10th October: Robert Gould Shaw is born. (Boston, Massachusetts) (Glory)

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