The Movie Timeline - be obsessive, be very obsessive
The Bourne Supremacy - timeline
Thursday 15th April: David Webb - later to become spy Jason Bourne - is born. (Missouri)
Wednesday 28th March: Nicolette "Nicky" Parsons is born. (New York City)
A year that Jason Bourne types in a search engine.
Saturday 18th January: A date stamped in Jason Bourne's passport.
Nicky Parson works at Treadstone and her cover is that she is a student. (Paris, France)
A year Jason Bourne types into a search engine.
Monday 11th January: A date stamped in Jason Bourne's passport.
June: A date stamped in Jason Bourne's passport.
John Nevins starts working for the CIA.
Thursday 12th September: Treadstone Project Debriefing Report is made.
Kirill kills Marie Kreutz, but Jason Bourne escapes. (Goa, India)
Friday 12th January: CIA Deputy Director Pamela Landy receives a phone call from Jason Bourne. She tells him his birthdate and that he is David Webb.