The Movie Timeline - be obsessive, be very obsessive

Movie history events from 1546

Francisco de Orellana disappears in the Amazon looking for the Crystal Skull. (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull)

3rd March: Princess Yu, daughter of the slain Lord Suwa Yorishige, presents Lord Takeda Harunobu with a son. The new prince unites the noble bloodlines of Takeda and Suwa. (Kai, Japan) (Samurai Banners)

15th March: Takeda Harunobu attacks Toishi Castle in Murakami's domain in Shinano; however, aided by the rugged terrain and expecting Murakami reinforcements, the castle commander, Kasahara Kiyoshige, resists strongly. (Shinano, Japan) (Samurai Banners)

November: Fransisco de Oreallana goes missing searching for the mythical El Dorado (Amazon River) (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull)

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