The Movie Timeline - be obsessive, be very obsessive
Movie events on the 17th July
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille born. (Paris, France) (Perfume: The Story of a Murderer)
Charlotte Corday is executed by guillotine in Paris. (Paris) (Marat/Sade)
John Bell Hood takes command of the Army of Tennessee. (Gettysburg)
"Wild Bill" Hickok shoots two soldiers in self-defense, mortally wounding one of them . (Hays City, Kansas) (Wild Bill)
Cecilia Weiss is born. (Phantasm)
Czar Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra, and their children are shot to death by the Bolsheviks during the 1917 Russian Revolution, which brought Communism to Russia. (Russia) (Nicholas and Alexandra)
Ned Devine born. (Ireland) (Waking Ned)
Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan takes off on a flight that would finally win him a place in aviation history. (Brooklyn, New York) (The Flying Irishman)
Billie Holiday dies of cardiac failure. (New York City) (Lady Sings the Blues)
Ty Cobb dies. (Atlanta, Georgia) (Cobb)
The date on a picture of the Apollo-Soyuz U.S.-Soviet Space Link-up. (Black Christmas)
Donna Sheridan spends the night with Sam Carmichael, potentially conceiving her daughter, Sophie (Kalokairi) (Mamma Mia!)
Michael Oher's driver's license is issued. (Memphis, Tennessee) (The Blind Side)
Bank Boston is robbed. (Boston, Massachusetts) (The Town)
Aaron and Aldous visit Aldous' father. (Las Vegas, NV) (Get Him to the Greek)
At the age of 25, Sir Peter Weyland becomes one of the youngest people to ever achieve knighthood. (Prometheus)