The Movie Timeline - of all the movie timelines on all the net, you walked into this one

..............T H E   M O V I E   T I M E L I N E..............

Welcome. Yes, the coding is gleefully retro here - who knew that websites could look "so 1998". But here we focus our geekery elsewhere: on movies, and more specifically, on the chronology of all movies, pasted together in a big list. Keep your submissions coming in! You make this. The list runs on one simple premise: that everything you see in the movies is true - the real mixes with the fictitious, so long as it's reported in a movie somewhere. So do join in - the above left links should help you Submit the event from the film you'd like, although do a Search first - we may well have it already!

NEWS! We have a Twitter account. Follow @MovieTimeline. You'll then be treated to one 'event' a day from the world of movie history - some'll be real world stuff, some'll be the world of fiction.

I recently blogged about my personally handpicked journey through history in 100 movies. Do click and read. It's in 3 parts, so click on the links at the bottom after part 1.

Today in movie history...

1794: 27th July: Maximilien Robespierre is overthrown and arrested by the National Convention. (Scaramouche)

1806: 27th July: Meriwether Lewis shoots a Blackfoot Indian. (The Far Horizons)

1873: 27th July: Frank Miller and his gang arrive in Hadleyville, but after a gun battle are all killed by former sheriff Will Kane (Hadleyville, Arizona - High Noon)

1901: 27th July: Rudy Vallee is born. (Island Point, Vermont - Rudy Vallee and His Connecticut Yankees)

1916: Thursday 27th July: German officials execute Captain Charles Fryatt, the former commander of the Great Eastern Railway steamship Brussels, after a German court martial found him guilty of making an attack on a German submarine. (Bruges, Belgium - The Murder of Captain Fryatt)

1923: Friday 27th July: John Dillinger joins the Navy in an attempt to avoid prosecution. (Young Dillinger)

1964: Monday 27th July: IRA Terrorist Frankie Maguire aka Frankie the Angel is born. (1964 - The Devil's Own)

1974: Saturday 27th July: U.S. President Nixon charged with first of three articles of impeachment. (Nixon)

2007: Friday 27th July: Someone gets a perfect 300 bowling game. (Oakdale - Mystery Team)

2013: Saturday 27th July: Downtown is photographed. (Los Angeles, California - Elysium)

2030: Saturday 27th July: Weyland Industries earns patent number 12,004,556 for Method and Apparatus for a device that can initiate, monitor and terminate hypersleep. HCs revolutionize space travel permitting increasingly longer, more advanced missions and enabling unprecedented discovery. (Prometheus)

Here are a few recent films we've put in their chronological place...

Captain America
The Woman In Black
Sherlock Holmes
The King's Speech
Friends With Benefits well as many others.

You can explore the dates on the left-hand bar to see discover...

When Harry Met Sally - that'll be 1977.
The Day The Bubble Burst - it was a Tuesday.
The Day The Earth Stood Still - that was a Wednesday.
Employee of the Month - that month was November 2006.
Hogwarts was founded just 61 years after King Arthur sought the Holy Grail by storming a castle with a large wooden rabbit.

Plus the coincidences, for instance...

- Gangs of New York's Amsterdam Vallon was killing Butcher Bill, down the road Abraham Lincoln was being kidnapped by Bill & Ted...
- Lucky Al Capone - he was sent to Alcatraz by Eliot Ness just in time to miss King Kong rampaging around New York...
- Andy Dufresne was wrongly sentenced to Shawshank a few short months before someone else was framed - Roger Rabbit...

Submit your own historical event from a movie (not TV - yet) by clicking here. It can be a real event (eg. the sinking of the Titanic) or a far-from-real event (eg. Marty McFly attending his parents' school dance) - so long as it's found in a film. It must be a verifiable date - whether a year subtitled at the start ("1941, France..."), a visible clue in the film (character picks up a newspaper), or some historical backdrop (From Hell's Jack The Ripper). If you know what year a movie is set in, let me know.

Thanks for linking to us and please continue to plug us on your journeys round the net. For now please ignore the crappy straightforward appearance - explore the information and trivia, have some fun with it - it really is a very simple idea. But it needs your help!

In the beginning... God created the heavens and the earth (The Bible)

Shortly after the beginning... God subcontracts the fjords to Slartibartfast, a planetary construction engineer from Magrathea (The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy)

26,000,000,000BC Los Angeles (and everywhere else) - The Earth's crust begins to harden (Adaptation)

A long time ago... Luke Skywalker and Han Solo lead a rebellion against the evil empire(Star Wars)

1 zillion BC October 9: Cavemen discover fire, and the joys of eating dinosaur egg (Caveman, 1981)

From this point on the dates get more sensible - begin the timeline...

Some other sites you may like...

The Movie Timeline twitter feed. Do follow.

Movie Banter - our podcast 'n' blog

My site as a stand-up, with gig guides, cv, etc

My twitter feed. Do follow.

Ruined Endings (plots and endings of all the best films. And some bad ones.)

Movie Mistakes

And unaffiliated, but friendly sites... - Watch Movies Online - Watch Free Movies Online

Copyright © 2006 - 2024 Paul Kerensa