The Movie Timeline - it's like a timeline, but of movies
Masturbation Network is founded (Idiocracy)
Any reply from Earth regarding Jim’s message would reach the Avalon on this date (Somewhere in space - Passengers)
Corben Dallas saves the world by retrieving the 4 element stones, and stops evil destroying the planet (for another 5000 years at least). (The Fifth Element)
Montgomery Scott is born. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
Leonard H. McCoy is born. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
Spock born. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
22nd March: The USS Kelvin was destroyed by Nero's ship, Narada travelled back from the year 2387. (Star Trek)
22nd March: James Tiberius Kirk Born on shuttle craft having been saved by his fathers sacrifice (Shuttle craft of USS Kelvin - Star Trek)
22nd March: James T. Kirk is born. (Riverside, Iowa - Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
10th April: The Gallic-Klingon Debating Society has a Wine Tasting of Spring Bottlings from Picard Vineyards, organized by Robt. Picard. (LaBarre, France - Star Trek: Generations)
Hikaru Sulu is born. (San Francisco, California - Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
Uhura is born. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
Pavel Chekov is born. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
The Avalon’s crew awakens on schedule, shortly before arrival at Homestead II. In the ship's grand concourse, they discover a huge tree with trailing vines, lush vegetation, flying birds, and a small cabin. A recording of Aurora's story describes the wonderful life she and Jim shared on the Avalon (Homestead II - Passengers)
Logan 5 is born. (Logan's Run)
Captain Fee becomes the captain of the Axiom. (Aboard the Axiom, somewhere in space - Wall-E)
Jessica 6 is born. (Logan's Run)
Forbidden Planet. (Forbidden Planet)
Nero's ship, Narada destroys planet Vulcan, though Spock rescues some of the Vulcan elders including his father Sarek to the U.S.S. Enterprise, but Spock's mother died on Vulcan. (Star Trek)
Admiral Alexander Marcus finds the superhuman crew of the Botany Bay. 73 of them are found alive. One of them, Khan Noonien Singh, is revived to design weapons and starships for a predicted war with the Klingon Empire. Khan is given a new identity: Commander John Harrison. (Star Trek Into Darkness)
24th February: Starfleet officer Thomas Harewood accepts John Harrison's offer to save his sick daughter and has to repay him by bombing Section 31. (London, England - Star Trek Into Darkness)
February: The starship Enterprise begins its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before. (Star Trek Into Darkness)
The Fifth Element. (The Fifth Element)
The year in which the starship Enterprise's five-year mission is expected to end. (Star Trek Into Darkness)
The bottle of Dom Perignon corked on this date would be used to christen the Enterprise-B almost thirty years later. (Star Trek: Generations)
Demora Sulu is born. (Star Trek: Generations)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture. (Star Trek)
V'Ger returns to Earth with accumulated knowledge in search of the "Creator". (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
Logan's Run. (Logan's Run)
Sandman Logan 5 on lastday, starts to run for his life, taking Jessica 6 with him (City of Domes, ( New York City) - Logan's Run)
James T. Kirk tells Antonia his plans to return to Starfleet. (Star Trek: Generations)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
Spock dies. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)
The crew of the Enterprise return from 1986 with two humpback whales, called George and Gracie. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
James T. Kirk's dog Butler dies. (Star Trek: Generations)
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
Captain James T. Kirk, on the first voyage of the new Enterprise, is swept out into space and seemingly dies... (Star Trek: Generations)
Zardoz. (Zardoz)
Chateau LaBarre is founded. (Star Trek: Generations)
The Elysium has been voyaging for 123 years. (Pandorum)
Logan 3 and Jessica 6 begin thier run from the city of domes on Logan's Last Day. (City of Domes - Logan's Run)
Maurice Picard is awarded with a Certificate of Excellence for his 2305 vintage of Chateau Picard Bordeaux. (Star Trek: Generations)
13th July: Jean-Luc Picard is born. (Labarre, France - Star Trek: Generations)
13th October: Beverly Cheryl Howard Crusher is born. (Copernicus City, Luna - Star Trek: Generations)
20th July: Jean-Luc Picard graduates from Starfleet Academy. (San Francisco, California - Star Trek: Generations)
7th April: A letter is written to Jean-Luc Picard. (Star Trek: Generations)
After a major US budget crisis, Brawndo buys out the USA Food & Drink Administration and the Federal Complaints Commission, meaning their fizzy drink replaces water across the country. (Idiocracy)
16th February: Geordi La Forge is born. (African Confederation - Star Trek: Generations)
19th August: William T. Riker is born. (Valdez, Alaska - Star Trek: Generations)
29th March: Deanna Troi is born. (Near Lake El-Nar, Betazed - Star Trek: Generations)
2nd February: Data is permanently re-activated. (Omicron Theta science colony - Star Trek: Generations)
9th December: Worf is born. (Qo'noS, Klingon Empire - Star Trek: Generations)
Jean-Luc Picard is awarded with The Silver Spade. (Star Trek: Generations)
16th July: Jean-Luc Picard arrives at a comemoration for the Moon landings. (Star Trek: Generations)
20th July: The moon landing comemoration ends. (Star Trek: Generations)
Captain Jean-Luc Picard has to stop Dr. Soran from destroying a star to get to the Nexus. (Star Trek: Generations)
James Tiberius Kirk dies on Veridian Three having aided Captain Jean-luc Picard's effort to stop Doctor Tolian Soren from destroying a star. (Veridian 3 - Star Trek: Generations)
The Enterprise travels back to 2063 to stop the Borg murder of Zephram Cochrane, the inventor of the warp drive. (Star Trek: First Contact)