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Children of the Corn - timeline

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Wednesday 5th June: A child is born. (Gatlin, Nebraska)

Wednesday 19th June: Septha "Robin" LaRue is born. (Gatlin, Nebraska)

Friday 30th August: Mary "Roberta" Wells is born. (Gatlin, Nebraska)

Wednesday 18th December: Catherine "Bastava" Cave is born. (Gatlin, Nebraska)


Wednesday 1st January: Christine "Christy" Boos is born. (Gatlin, Nebraska)

Saturday 14th March: Ethan "Craig" Sterns is born. (Gatlin, Nebraska)


Saturday 5th June: A nineteen-year-old is sacrificed. (Gatlin, Nebraska)

Saturday 19th June: Septha "Robin" LaRue is sacrificed. (Gatlin, Nebraska)

Monday 30th August: Mary "Roberta" Wells is sacrificed. (Gatlin, Nebraska)

Saturday 18th December: Catherine "Bastava" Cave is sacrificed. (Gatlin, Nebraska)


Saturday 1st January: Christine "Christy" Boos is sacrificed. (Gatlin, Nebraska)

Monday 14th March: Ethan "Craig" Sterns is sacrificed. (Gatlin, Nebraska)

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